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Frequently Asked Questions

1 min read

 Are employees paid roles?

Only users that have access (login) to Pro Crew Schedule are paid roles. You can add an unlimited number of employees and track their time in Time Tracker for free; they will not have access to the software, your crew leader will add their time into Time Tracker at the end of the day.

How is Pro Crew Schedule different from other software on the market?

Subcontractors design Pro Crew Schedule for subcontractors, so we feel this is an advantage over the others. We offer real-world experience based on 20 years of experience in the construction industry.  Our focus is on crew management and task management; connecting the office to the field and field to the office is the core of Pro Crew Schedule. 

Is there a limit on the number of projects I can add to Pro Crew Schedule?

Pro Crew Schedule doesn’t limit the number of projects you can add; the more projects, the better in our option. 

Can I use Pro Crew Schedule on any computer or browser?

Pro Crew Schedule is internet-based, so as long as you have internet access from a desktop, mobile device, or tablet, you can access Pro Crew Schedule from anywhere. 

What kind of customer service do you offer?

At Pro Crew Schedule, we believe that customer service is very important. We offer phone, email, and chat support through our website and all social media accounts, basically any method that works best for you. 

Does the free trial have limits or full features?

During the free trial, you have full access to everything and an unlimited amount of users.  

Do I need a credit card to sign up for a free trial?

No credit card is needed for our 30-day free trial. Once the free trial is over, you will need to update your billing methods on the settings page. 

What Payment Methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards. Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, JCB, Discover, Diners Club, and Union Pay

Can I use Pro Crew Schedule if I don’t have crews?

Yes, you can, but I don’t feel you would get the most benefit out of our software. Our software is definitely focused on crews and time management. 

Do you offer an Annual Discount? 

We offer a monthly subscription without contracts.  

Can you help with onboarding my company?

We offer assistance with onboarding and training. We can discuss your specific needs one on one.  

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