Pro Crew Schedule - 2.5 Updates


Pro Crew Schedule is an all-in-one construction management software that lets you manage projects efficiently with just a few clicks. Its goal is to offer a simple solution that gets powerful results. This software is easy to use, but it does everything you need, from managing documents and schedules to managing your crew and inventory. It gives you a central platform where you can find everything you need, so you can focus more on making sure you always do good work.

Find out what’s new with Pro Crew Schedule! Learn about the latest features and functions for construction professionals in our latest update.

Multi Day Task Improvement

View Your Tasks with The Multi Day Schedule

Use Pro Crew’s Multi Day Task View to make your schedules easier and more efficient. Construction tasks are complicated and usually last more than one day – a multi day event. With this new feature, you can set tasks to run on certain days and times. It makes your calendar less cluttered by showing only the exact time frames you need to see instead of the usual, 24hr whole-day view.

Project View

Get a Clear View of Your Progress Using the Project Database

We have renamed the Estimates Section to Projects! On the Projects page, you can see a list of all the tasks you have planned. It keeps a running list of all your active projects – allowing you to have high visibility on how your projects are progressing. Take charge of your building projects by seeing what is happening at every step.

See Video:

Job ID

Organize Your Projects Efficiently with the Job ID

This new feature allows you to assign a unique job ID to each address. Implementing a job ID code system to your projects can help you keep better records and databases, allowing you to run your construction company more efficiently. The job ID is searchable and allows you to pull out any information you want with just a few simple clicks. The job ID shows how many tasks are related to the projects that they are assigned. You can find the information you need faster in databases because they have powerful search tools that help them narrow down the results.

Cost Code

Add Cost Codes To Your Tasks

Cost codes are groups of individual costs that are put together based on what they are or what they do. It can help you track and organize your tasks’ amounts, quantities, budgets, and other relevant information. Each project can only be assigned one job ID, but it can have different cost codes per task, giving you flexibility. These make it easier to figure out how much something costs. The best thing about cost codes is that you can use them to get the knowledge you need to make sound business decisions.

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