Management Tips
Management Tips

Running Construction Projects Using 5 New Management Strategies


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As a contractor or project manager of any construction projects, there are plenty of roles that are expected to be fulfilled and each role demands time and effort. This can be mentally stressful because there is a lot of information to absorb and many critical things to remember. At countless of times, these many different roles to be taken could lead to counterproductive scenarios. The worst thing that might happen is, it could affect the success of a particular construction project. This is the very reason why construction management should be implemented and need to be prioritized.

Project management for construction has played an integral role in the entire success of a project. Thus, for this matter, efficiency and consistency are extremely necessary. The next important thing is the deployment of a construction schedule software proven to be very beneficial for the project’s development and continues to become the priority. Suppose construction management is well-planned and the use of this software tool is implemented. In that case, the project will be monitored systematically within time and budget and there’s an assurance for the project’s success.

In this article, 5 new strategies of construction project management will be going to discuss.

1. Adopt Flexible Planning Methods

In this type of industry, project management is taken very seriously. Numerous changes for the construction projects are going to happen sooner or later. The scope of the projects happens to have many existing and ongoing changes. It occurs several times and it will happen over and over again while the project is ongoing. These are the situations that have become unavoidable for project managers. However, by becoming more prepared, systematically and mentally during hectic and suppressing conditions, the pressure of being the project manager can eventually be lessened. For the project scope changes, whether it is huge or minimal, finding out the root cause is a must-do. There could possibly unfixed issues and it does include communication errors and inconsistent reports and updates. The best construction management software like Pro Crew Schedule can ultimately help a project manager manage and monitor the project’s progress.

Project Managers have to plan ahead for all potential circumstances so that work will be easier and less demanding. This is where planning methods have to be flexible. Establishing a comprehensive construction plan is one way to adapt and get more absorbed in the flexible planning method. Overthinking about many things starting from the tiniest detail to the larger and complex areas of the project could not help. Thinking more about the potential for changes is more likely reason. Contractors and project managers have to be equipped with the right mindset and attitude. Additionally, they also need to be equipped with a project management software that could help them to manage projects in real-time alongside the entire involved team efficiently. By being proactive, prepared, and equipped, attempting to plan and predict changes is much easier before it begins. Listed below are a few of many essential skills a project manager should have:

· Have a thorough knowledge of the entire scope of the construction projects

· Think further about the environmental impact that could potentially lead to a change of orders

· Have full awareness and practical insights in the present situation to know what could go wrong on site

· Extremely involved in every process and consistently updated in many emerging trends in the construction industry like construction project management software

2. Implement Staffing Rules and Roles

Contractors usually have the best core workforce that works for them in terms of project execution and project management for construction. Furthermore, it will be easier for them to see out or determine the initial duration of the project and all of its involved majorities. There are plenty of roles to acknowledge and it includes other construction professionals like general labor teams, HVAC technicians, plumbers, electricians, roofers and other subcontractors. The subs who could be involved are depending from the type of project that contractors have to plan and execute.

Ensuring the construction project will run smoothly is one of the many crucial goals to implement. Organizing and sorting out key dates and time schedules is one of the wise actions to do. Good thing that a software tool like the construction scheduling software has been designed to fill up every information. Determining the teams going to work and bringing at the site will be more comfortable, faster, and more precise. Because of this technology being used, tracking, monitoring and supervising are done most efficiently, making everyone achieve a higher level of productivity.

3. Organize Construction Supplies

The quality of the supply chain is also one important aspect that solely determines the success of a construction project. This is where project managers or contractors have to take into account every aspect of the tools, materials, and other resources that are going to be used before the project could even start. The majority of the contractors already have connections with their suppliers and project scheduling management has not just much helped them supervise the project but also in tracking all used and unused supplies.

However, they also need to account for the present location and availability of the project first since these two areas vary from time to time. Assuming that they can still avail the services from the past suppliers is not considered.

If possible, always go for financially and ecologically stable suppliers that are also servicing at the local areas near the project location. It is proven to be equally best for the reputation and credibility of the business and the project’s budget through following the tips.

4. Becoming an Emotionally Intelligence Manager

Project managers are the ones who are too consumed in every work they do. They’ve been busy balancing numerous areas of construction projects and that has been one of many reasons why they become so forgetful and unmindful of who is behind the execution. According to the study, most industry professionals have a low rate of EQ or Emotional Quotient/ Emotional Intelligence. Thus, any of the project managers working right now alongside others probably have a small rate of EQ. Working with other subcontractors or any other third-party involved is not just a task to do because there’s a relationship or the bond-forming within. Work is mandatory and forced, but not a relationship.

All employees and every team member have to be appreciated and understood. What they feel should be recognized. The happiness, comfortability and satisfaction of all crew members working should also be prioritized. Anyone doesn’t want to witness disgruntled coworkers leaving without notice. Employees do leave work because of the lack of motivation, appreciation and acknowledgment from the big boss. With this happening all the time, it is enough for the contactors to exert more effort in getting to know the employees and try to further listen in their personal sentiments about work. You could also learn to determine their pain points and frustrations they have felt while working, not just with the others but with you.

5. Strategize Actions

The construction industry requires all individuals involved not just to execute but also to think further ahead. Contributing new ideas is essential and that is the very reason why project managers have to be more practical and strategical. For project teams, specifically in the construction industry, the main structure of it is consistently changing. For a more explicit example, teams right now are slowly becoming less hierarchical and at the same time, junior-level project managers have become fewer. For that reason, project managers now have a more direct influence on critical decisions.

The implementation of construction management today is entirely different than before. Today, it requires project managers to have a strategic mindset and to act similarly like entrepreneurs. Still, they’re expected to run the project in the standard yet advanced way but have to be more efficient and quicker in decision-making. The decisions they’re going to make will have the potential to affect the company’s long-term financial stability. That is why they are also required to think analytically apart from the previous skills mentioned.

Strategic thinkers like project managers are capable of doing the following actions below:

· Looking for any game-changing details and info at the periphery of the industry

· Building broader external networks that will undoubtedly help them in scanning the prospect better

· Searching further than the current boundaries of the business

· Reframing problems to get to the bottom line of things

· Seeking patterns in various and multiple sources of data

· Carefully framing the decisions in order to get right to the crux of any current matters

Key Takeaways

The new rules for construction management, which are covered broadly above, are what every contractor and project manager needed to learn. Learning and starting from the basics to the most complex aspects of project management is a must-do. With decisive planning and open communication between the contractor and the rest of his team, any construction projects will run smoothly and precisely.

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