Construction Crew and Workforce

Unlocking Your Potential with Construction Certifications

Unlocking Your Potential with Construction Certifications

In a highly competitive industry like construction, having proper certifications before one gets to work is not a want but a need. These construction certifications can make you more credible as an individual and can help you land a better job. Consequently, having construction staff in the manpower can make any company appear more trustworthy […]

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Maintaining Effective Communication Within Your Construction Team

Maintaining Effective Communication Within Your Construction Team

When it comes to managing construction, you will have to work with a lot of clients, crews, trade partners, and subcontractors. It is critical to know when and how to speak to people in order to convey thoughts and instructions clearly and help avoid misunderstandings. The construction industry involves a million moving parts, so teams

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Heat Safety: 5 Ways to Keep Construction Teams Protected During Summer Season

Heat Safety: 5 Ways to Keep Construction Teams Protected During Summer Season

The dry season is here, and most construction companies expect an influx of jobs. Unlike winter and rainy seasons, the construction industry is most productive during this season of the year. However, a busy schedule often means that construction teams work in high temperatures, which can have dangerous effects.  Here are five strategies on how you can beat

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Prioritizing Worker Safety in Construction

Prioritizing Worker Safety in Construction

The construction business is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous places to work. Because building projects are complicated and have so many moving parts, companies must care for their workers’ health and safety. Many new technologies are being used in buildings, but most companies still need to follow good safety management practices. This means that more people are getting killed on

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Exploring 14 In-Demand Career Paths in Construction Industry

Exploring 14 In-Demand Career Paths in Construction Industry

When talking about construction, concrete and steel, hard hats, heavy equipment, etc., come to mind. But there is more to the industry than manual labor. It’s a blend of management, collaboration, forecasting, and other skills that help bring new structures and spaces into the world. You can occupy any role in the construction industry based on your

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Construction Diversity: How to Promote Inclusion in a Man-Dominated Industry

Construction Diversity: How to Promote Inclusion in a Man-Dominated Industry

Diversity and inclusion are foreign concepts in an industry dominated by men. While other industries have fully embraced the concept of diversity, the construction field still exists in the past. Even though construction has taken a step towards diversity, it needs more unified work to reach a more equitable status. The question now is, how

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Five Ways to Strengthen Construction Team Collaboration

Five Ways to Strengthen Construction Team Collaboration

In an industry that is very complex in nature, effective team collaboration is a crucial aspect of managing construction projects. From design and planning to execution and turnover, construction includes a wide range of complicated tasks and skills. A good collaboration between architects, engineers, construction managers, subcontractors, and other team members guarantees that all aspects

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Managing Construction Crews with Effective Task Delegation

Managing Construction Crews with Effective Task Delegation

A construction project comprises a million moving parts, and it is a general contractor or a project manager’s job to ensure everything is going according to plan. As a result, you must be able to delegate tasks to your construction crew to do their jobs well. An effective and efficient task delegation system is more

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How To Keep Construction Labor Costs Under Control

How To Keep Construction Labor Costs Under Control

Your construction crew members are one of your most important resources when managing construction. But labor costs make up a big chunk of a construction project’s budget, and if these costs go up too much, it can quickly ruin the project’s profitability and finances. Spending too much on labor can make it hard for your

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7 Actionable Tips to Boost Construction Workforce Engagement

7 Actionable Tips to Boost Construction Workforce Engagement

It is no secret that an engaged construction workforce is crucial to the business’s long-term success. Loyal, highly motivated workers can improve every aspect of your company, from its management to safety records, operations, and more. As a construction company, you have to devote effort, time, and the best resources to continuously improve the overall

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The Critical Role of a Project Manager in Leading Construction Crews to Success

The Critical Role of a Project Manager in Leading Construction Crews to Success

When managing construction, there is more than just completing deliverables and delivering projects on schedule and within budget. Yes, meeting project deadlines and ensuring everything is on track is one thing, but finding ways to motivate your construction team consistently is another. Whether you are a new or an experienced project manager, creating a good

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7 Possible Reasons Why Construction is Facing Labor Shortage

7 Possible Reasons Why Construction is Facing Labor Shortage

One of the most pressing issues today in the construction industry is employee retention, and companies are finally taking notice. Recently, firms have realized that construction workforce management is more than just providing competitive wages, giving regular working hours, and keeping them in a technically safe environment to say they are making a steady living.

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5 Ways to Improve On-the-Job (OJT) Training in Construction

5 Ways to Improve On-the-Job (OJT) Training in Construction

It is common knowledge that the construction industry is experiencing labor shortage issues. Unfortunately, this issue has been ongoing for ages. Many construction business owners need help finding the best and most skilled laborers. They have tested many ways to fill open positions, and one that works best is offering apprenticeships and OJT training. OJT

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Strategies for Hiring and Retaining the Right People for The Right Construction Job

Strategies for Hiring and Retaining the Right People for The Right Construction Job

The construction industry is experiencing a labor shortage, and general contractors and project managers are scrambling to hire more people to finish their projects. Many construction company hiring managers have been looking for ways to improve how they find new employees to keep up with the rising demand. But labor shortage is more than hiring

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Entice and Maintain High-Quality Employees

Seven Ways a Construction Company Can Entice and Maintain High-Quality Employees

Over the years, there has been a lot of pressure on people to get four-year degrees, leading to a significant drop in the number of students and adults who want to work in construction, leaving the industry with a labor shortage and a critical skills gap. When managing construction projects, your employees are your most

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How Construction Companies Can Implement Work-Life Balance in the Workplace

How Construction Companies Can Implement Work-Life Balance in the Workplace

All industry has their share of challenges, but there is one common denominator that even the construction industry is having trouble with – achieving the optimal work-life balance in the workplace. Many people in the business sectors have predicted that a healthy work-life balance will be the biggest management challenge of the 21st century, and

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5 Critical Points Construction Companies Should Know about the Latest Infrastructure Bill

5 Critical Points Construction Companies Should Know about the Latest Infrastructure Bill

With the signing of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) almost two years ago, the upcoming years will be the year of reshaping the infrastructure. There will be new and bigger federal funds available for procurement, stated by Federal News Network. So, what do people in the construction industry have to do

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Why is Workforce Scheduling in Construction More Important than Ever?

Why is Workforce Scheduling in Construction More Important than Ever?

While Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making changes to construction big time, the sector remains labor-driven. Workers are being given a compilation of tasks that are sometimes too much to handle. This is one of the many reasons why workforce scheduling is prompted and has become very important. In this blog, learn more about workforce scheduling,

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8 Ways to Manage the Labor Shortfall in Construction Industry this 2023

8 Ways to Manage the Labor Shortfall in Construction Industry this 2023

New year, but the same prevailing problem in the construction industry – labor shortage. If your company is experiencing a shortfall in construction labor or having challenges finding skilled and qualified workers, you are not alone. In spite of how fast the construction industry is growing, the flow of new manpower has been slow as

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Construction Labor Shortage: How to Adapt in this Ongoing Crisis this 2023?

Construction Labor Shortage: How to Adapt in this Ongoing Crisis this 2023?

The construction sector has long been dealing with an increasingly chronic labor shortage ever since the break of the dawn. If you belong in this industry, you will experience this ongoing crisis. But the good thing is you are always there because many employers are struggling to find skilled, qualified workers to fill several open

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Managing the Impacts of the Construction Labor Shortage

Managing the Impacts of the Construction Labor Shortage

One prevailing issue today is the need for more workers across all industries. And when it comes to construction, labor shortage can cause projects to take longer to finish, problems with quality control, higher builder risk costs, and more. Your workers are your most essential resources – they can make or break the project’s success.

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Construction Skillset

Construction Skillset: 5 Key Skills Construction Pros Should Focus More

The latest digital innovations and methodologies are changing how construction pros perform in their respective roles. Just last year, Marzia Bolpagni of Mace introduced five main concepts that people in the construction sector should master to stay competitive and relevant in the upcoming years. As a construction professional yourself, how broad is your skillset? Are

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How an Effective Change Management System Can Positively Impact Your Construction Company

How an Effective Change Management System Can Positively Impact Your Construction Company

Change is inevitable, and the construction industry is no exception to this rule. However, it will be easier for your team and the organization to adjust to these changes if good change management practices are in place. Change management in construction is linked when people, policies, procedures, and specifications change. So what is change management

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Workforce Visibility in Construction

Workforce Visibility in Construction – What is It and How to Improve It?

Workforce Visibility is a buzzword that remains constant and relevant in the construction industry. With so many construction firms shifting to a hybrid or mobile-first workforce, maintaining a competitive edge becomes crucial. While workforce visibility has its unique challenges, the response and movement from the tech industries have helped construction industries adapt to this new

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6 Biggest Challenges Women Face in Construction that Must Be Address

6 Biggest Challenges Women Face in Construction that Must Be Address

Construction is a backbreaking business; however, only some in the sector face the same challenges. As a matter of fact, those working onsite and in the trades endure a fair share of physical difficulties, while the office crew faces their share of mental hurdles and stress. And while several of the most reported challenges in

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The Integral Role of A Project Manager in Maintaining Employee Engagement and Morale

The Integral Role of A Project Manager in Maintaining Employee Engagement and Morale

When it comes to the construction industry, your employees work physically and mentally taxing work. As a result, keeping your team interested and motivated to do each part of the project well is essential to construction crew management. The level of investment your crew members have in the project is the key to successful employment.

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Why Should You Try the Short Interval Scheduling Strategy for Your Construction Crew

Why Should You Try the Short Interval Scheduling Strategy for Your Construction Crew

This cannot be stressed enough – but the construction industry is prone to so many delays that place a significant time and cost impact on the contractor. This means that a lot of the work is not getting done because of problems that have not been solved, such as a lack of materials, a holdup

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6 Tips in Raising Mental Health Awareness in Your Construction Company

6 Tips in Raising Mental Health Awareness in Your Construction Company

Poor mental health is one of the biggest and often overlooked dangers in the construction sector. With so many construction safety tips around faulty equipment and fall protection, the invisible threat is a constantly ignored subject. Know that your construction workers are at a higher risk of suicide, according to a study conducted by the Centers

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Nine Ways You Can Prevent Overtime Schedules for Your Construction Crew

Nine Ways You Can Prevent Overtime Schedules for Your Construction Crew

Construction projects often work with extremely tight deadlines. As a result, it is inevitable to schedule overtime schedules, especially when a critical activity needs to be completed to keep up with the schedules. Whether you are new in the industry or an experienced project manager, overtime is something that everyone tries to avoid, and it

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How Can Training and Skill Development Improve your Construction Workforce

How Can Training and Skill Development Improve your Construction Workforce?

Your construction company certainly has its own set of priorities to go on to the next level. In many cases, determining what initiatives can make the most significant impact can be challenging. However, what makes your business thriving and unique from other companies isn’t the services or products it offers – it’s the people within

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Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering What's The Difference

Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering: What’s The Difference?

Engineering is a broad field that involves different branches, and sometimes people find it difficult to differentiate them. Today, we’ll discuss the top two most mixed-up branches in engineering: Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering. Just like a Civil Engineer, Structural Engineers are also in the game of construction. Suffice it to say; Structural is under

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Site Manager at Construction Area

Guide to Becoming a Certified Construction Manager

Technically, certification isn’t strictly needed in the construction industry. In fact, anyone can start a career in construction without the highest level of education. Crew members can start working after finishing training, or some even get their training while already deployed at the site.  But for those in the management level positions, there are a

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construction engineers working on building site

Becoming a Competent Project Field Engineer: Helpful Tips and Guidelines

In the construction industry, field engineering is considered as a highly technical kind of a job, hence, hands-on practical experience and expertise for this field are really required. Field engineers are in charge of overseeing any construction projects. They are given a wide variety of responsibilities ranging from the initial planning, actual physical construction of

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