How Can a Custom Construction Solution Benefit Tradesmen?
How Can a Custom Construction Solution Benefit Tradesmen?

How Can a Custom Construction Solution Benefit Tradesmen?


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Tradesmen are some of the busiest laborers in the construction sector – they run their businesses, their people, and more. Not only do they spend effort and time working on and completing rigorous jobs, but they also have to overlook the admin side of their business. And this often includes dealing with many inquiries, scheduling jobs, managing construction activities, putting together estimates as they happen, and many more.

A recent report showed that tradesmen average 13.9 hours weekly only for admin tasks (an equivalent to a part-time job), and 17 percent of tradespeople regularly work over ten hours daily. If you analyze it properly, there is no shortage of demand for tradesmen regarding their skills. Oftentimes, the biggest factor holding them back was simply the lack of time. And a lot of work not done means less money to generate.

Tradespeople can be more flexible, productive, and have more control. But only when they make a way to embrace the latest technologies nowadays. In this blog, we will look at some ways tradesmen can benefit from investing in customized software solutions.

The “Always Work” Mindset and Its True Cost


Almost every tradesman’s goal is to win more work and get more and more clients, as if it is the end of the world. For many tradespeople, having a busier company is like running faster on an uphill treadmill and going nowhere. Busyness is the word, and it keeps everyone fully occupied, overworked, and unprepared most of the time. 

The truth is, doing more work and keeping busy all the time does not make tradesmen profitable, productive, or even become more accomplished over time. In fact, doing these things repeatedly without caution reduces the ability to care for what is necessary. For instance, construction crews are not built to the right size, managed properly, and without the right training.

When busyness catches up the entire journey, tradesmen will put up fires all day. As a result, it will not help generate more money, get in control, improve the bid-hit ratio, or even resolve problems that cost so much. 

Investing in the right construction dispatching and scheduling software is the only key to making things possible and achieving your goals against all odds. With this custom software in place, you will experience higher efficiency, from tracking performance to making your entire construction operations defined and structured. A more standardized and automated system is just at your fingertips!


Tradespeople Can Benefit from Using Custom Software Solution


1. Enhanced flexibility and software scalability

You need to find out how much a customized solution can make a huge difference, especially one that is tailored to your business. Tradespeople should consider this as one important factor when assessing a software solution for their needs. Today, the majority of the available solutions offer a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Let’s just say you are focusing more on the growth of your business. If you choose software that seemed to tick all the boxes at the start, it may not serve its purpose in the long run. Only a custom software solution like Pro Crew Schedule can give you a more significant opportunity to grow with all of your operations.

Pro Crew Schedule is easily accommodated by many upgrades, new features, and integrations. A tradesman like you with a growing business can benefit from our software’s full potential.


2. Standout from the crowd

One of the most commonly asked questions by many tradespeople is, “Why should I consider a custom solution when many options are available in the marketplace today?” 

It is true that there are a ton of options accessible in the market now. But sometimes, the best pick is one that you did not expect to work out its best. So, rather than following the crowd and picking the software that has already been used by most of your competitors, you may start choosing a custom construction software solution – that will make your business stand out.

From looking into your previous job orders to giving more accurate quotes to time-tracking and information sharing – you can tailor a custom software like Pro Crew Schedule to be however you want it. As a result, you can deliver an unrivaled and more optimized experience that puts your people and clients front and center!

3. Cost-effectiveness

By default, people are drawn to cheaper pricing. Software that offers lower prices only means it is associated with disappointing features. And obviously, it is not the best choice for your business. The truth is that lower price tags do not often show the entire picture. In fact, the real price you see is originally racked up with additional and unexpected costs after you sign-up for the software. If you do so, you will be frustrated over paying a huge amount for the upgrades.

You need to be extra keen and careful when deciding what to pick from today’s many options. A custom solution may cost a little bit more at the beginning, but it is almost always the best cost-effective solution for growing and scaling up your business.


4. Enhanced security

Many businesses experienced a cyber-attack. And this is a recurring challenge that is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid, especially now that cybercriminals are becoming smarter and smarter with their tactics. With that being said, the importance of keeping your entire organization’s system secure and safe is a top priority.

But does the software solution you will deploy affect your security condition? This is, indeed, to be true. Other software systems are more commonly vulnerable to cyber-attacks, especially the free versions where many users can access them. 

But with custom software, only trusted users and crew members can access the system. This is less prone to cyber-attacks, helping to enhance the security of your business and your company’s data.


5. Real-time collaboration and communication

Perhaps, one of the top critical features of a custom software solution is real-time collaboration and communication. Managing projects as they change and escalates is difficult, and many teams are assigned to different locations, making it harder to keep everyone on the same page. But with a custom solution, you can ensure everyone collaborates and communicates effectively at any given job site.

With construction employee scheduling software in place, every member can access a central hub – where everyone is connected, ensuring real-time collaboration between clients, contractors, tradespeople, and project managers.

6. Budgeting

Overseeing a certain project’s schedule, scope, and budget is a top priority for all tradesmen. However, the latter, referring to budget, requires the most attention. An inaccurate project estimate can cause a lot of inefficiencies. That is why when it comes to budgeting, you must be careful when examining all your project plans for risk, communicate objectives to your stakeholders, and create accurate estimates. 

One of the top benefits of using a custom solution is reducing costs and maximizing profits with better budget management. Integrated software offers better visibility into potential risks and other factors that affect your budget allocation.


7. Integration

Only a few software solutions in the market today offer integration features. Integration is one important feature, especially when using a lot of programs and applications at the same time. Despite being slow to adapt to technologies, Tradespeople are stepping up to at least try two or more systems in place.

Custom construction scheduling software like Pro Crew Schedule can easily integrate thousands of applications. If you use GSheets, QuickBooks, or Google Calendars, you can simply connect them with Pro Crew Schedule alongside your other favorite applications. And it is very helpful and useful, especially when handling multiple projects simultaneously. 

Integrating your apps will directly result in more optimized and seamless operations – buying you more time to focus on other tasks.


8. Convenience

It is never a secret that tradespeople do things differently when handling and managing their business and people. But giving them the ability to control and manage their operations and processes as efficiently as possible is a game-changer! 

With custom software in place, everyone can seamlessly automate most of the processes. The convenience a custom software brings is on another level! You can also access it anytime and anyplace via desktops or mobile phones. Your choice at your convenience!


The Power Pro Crew Schedule Holds


Pro Crew Schedule is a construction-specific crew schedule software known for its core features – project management, inventory, automation, and scheduling. To put it simply, it is equipped with all of the features and benefits we cited above.

This cloud-enabled platform aims to help tradespeople, contractors, and business leaders to standardize operations and processes and set workflows to improve overall efficiencies within the organization. It provides control over projects, optimization of resources, and overcoming setbacks as all-in-one integrated custom software.

Want to try it? Start your 30-day trial for free! 

You can also schedule a free online demo with one of our demo engineers at your convenience.

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