4 Construction Software Trends 2020
4 Construction Software Trends 2020

4 Construction Software Trends To Watch Out For This 2020


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Construction firms are quickly drifting from their analog ways to embrace more opportunities brought about by the digital realm. Recently, we looked into the trends coming to the construction industry this 2020 but today, we’ll be more specific by looking into the improvements coming to construction software this year.

Firms are already streamlining the use of construction project management software after they’ve seen the success rate of those who implemented one in their projects. Contractors who use construction software were able to be in more control of their team. Their management style was improved and their planning became more efficient. Schedules were more organized and budgets were more realistic and accurate. Monitoring was much effective too.

With all these benefits, construction firms using software- whether it be a cloud-based or on-premise – were able to enhance productivity and efficiency in their operation. And the side effect? They were able to minimize delays and budget overrun. This led them to win the deeper trust of their client, making them secure more projects with them. Furthermore, clients give favor to bidders who leverage construction project management software because they can be confident that the project will be better managed, hence resulting in better results.

So if you are welcome to new technology in your firm, why not consider adding a construction project management software in your tools.

Construction Management Software Trends 2020

For a long time, technology trends have been taking over the construction industry and year after year, exciting improvements are being launched. This 2020, although we might see only a few new features, we will surely be seeing updates to existing functions.

With the population continuing to grow, more buildings are needed to be constructed to provide more accommodations and workplaces. This means the construction industry will keep on growing in the coming years. More firms will be established so the competition will be tighter.

To stay on top of your competitors, you’ll need to keep improving your technology whenever an update is available. Doing so will give you an edge over the others so don’t ignore new trends coming out every year.

Today, we’ll look into the trends related to construction management software that you should expect this year and keep up with if you want to remain competitive in 2020.

1. Access to Smaller and Smaller Devices

Stop being old fashioned and consider the possibility of accessing your construction project management software on smart devices like smartphones and AR/VR wearable.   After desktops and laptops, software became available on mobile phones and tablets, making connectivity and collaboration possible anywhere on the site. But with construction software coming to smaller devices, it becomes more possible for workers to access data while working on their tasks without compromising safety. This is especially true when software becomes available via AR because you can browse through files hands-free.Furthermore, mobile phones are now becoming smarter with their AI features greatly improving. Construction software might be configured so they can function on voice commands. This will greatly enhance the efficiency that’s already being delivered by the earlier versions of construction project management software.

2.Connecting the Field to The Office Faster

The 5g network isn’t a rumor. If this kind of connectivity is streamlined in construction firms that use productivity software, then communication and collaboration will be faster. We already saw how files can be shared via the cloud in real-time. The speed of finishing a project and the efficiency were greatly enhanced. So imagine this software solution running on 5g. Developers will be able to add more functions to the software that depends on internet connection and will bridge the huge gap between the field and the office like both exist in the same workspace.

3.Improved Analytics

The analytics that comes with a construction project management software is what helps the contractors determine the productivity of their workers on site. Data is the critical driver of construction project success so firms are continuously amassing it to make more informed decisions about their operations. Analytics will continue to improve and be able to interpret other kinds of data other than comparing plans vs actual accomplishments, budget plan vs actual expenses, and schedule vs actual productivity rate. So, the integration of smarter analytics in your construction project management software is one of the key trends you should expect this year.

4.Risk And Safety Management

We will see more construction software being able to connect with drones, AR/VR, and surveillance to check on crew members and their activities. Sensors or RFIDs can be added too that will alert you through the software whenever a member gets involved in an accident.

Final Words

This year might just be the year when developers can create something more futuristic out of the existing construction project management software like Pro Crew Schedule. So don’t be the last to know the trend. Start checking on what software you can use on your firm and enjoy the enhancements that are bound to happen. 

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